Just a couple of things
1) Better communications to the Road Guards.....we were on Harris Creek Saturday at 8am....went great cars looked awesome racing by but then we were told 1pm for 2nd leg of Harris Creek, then told 3pm, then didn't see anyone until nearly 4pm when the 000, 00, and 0 cars went by....then nothing for 45 minutes.....lots of waiting (with NO BATHROOM)....need to keep volunteers in loop on times better....from 1 to after 4 with no bathroom access is totally UNCOOL
2) TALK ABOUT WAY EARLY on Saturday when people are still coming into camp and setting up at after 10pm and people are trying to sleep at their camp sites....I swear someone had a diesel that was being revved outside our camper keeping me awake
3) Awards in Horseshoe Bend????? While it is nice to invite volunteers to go to awards, there is no way that volunteers who are working in Placerville for the race and have to break camp can make the awards. (Tho we had extenuating circumstances that prevented it this year we couldn't figure out logistics to make it if we hadn't had outside forces against us.)
I do want to say that I loved the race as normal and can't wait to help with the next one....