Meeting called to order.
Minutes accepted.
We have money.
Old Business:
Ricky, the Skyline Event Center site is excited to have us back out.
things need to have available to run a season.
Water Truck
Course prep night before and at lunch.
Discussed fees
Food available during event lunch.
Dan Rockrohr will negotiation behalf of the Idaho Rally Group with skyline event center for the terms of the upcoming proposed season.
We have 5 radio licenses, 1 commercial with a specific location and 4 simplex.
Need 500.00 for additional signs.
Meadow creek has no logging operations currently.
Spanish fork loop has a lot of logs currently placed there. If they are finished by March we may get it as a road
Thorn creek appears to be an option but has issues for location and staffing.
Grimes creek RD looks great.
California rally series needs add
Need 4 telescoping flag pole towers for antennas current price listed as 179.00. Tim will talk to supplier.
Change to meeting location and date is being considered to the first Thursday of the month. possibly another Idaho Pizza
We will wait for club feedback
Rita motion to adjourned.